Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday...maybe something outta a teddy bear's world.

Helloz... my dear readers, followers, comrades, um... everyone. Sorry my new post was due a bit later than expected. Nothing much happened during the week except what i did was sleep.

And, so, today i hang out with my long lost fren named Una, or whom i call 'Samsi' kut or 'Tomato'. And she's just sitting right next to me now as i blog about the day's happenings. Heyyo, Samsi?! *bombards her with teddy bears*

Great. She's down.. for the moment as i write my blog. *ties Una up*

I went to Sunway Pyramid with Una today. Watched Terminator: Salvation.... I think i'm almost deaf due to the sound effects and what with all the bombs and guns. Haiz...

Had so much fun!!! Thanks, bestie Samsi!! You're the best, man! I love you!!! as a fren... *hugs*

Una and I

Something funny happened today.. Una and I bought A&W for lunch and we planned to eat it in the cinema. But the ticket man said that no outside food was allowed inside the cinema. So, Una and I were cursing cos' we were hungry and we didn't have lunch... Friggin damned lunch, gawd.. Ticket man!!! If you come across this blog, you must remember me! We're the ones who brought A&W to the cinema and you put the food in the office!!! Nak Supposedly you didn't have lunch either.. oh so what? you think it's nice and normal to confiscate ppl's food and keep it in the office?? Screw you!!!

The bikini i wanted from Playerz is GONE!!! And it was so nice... oh well... bought a teddy bear from Mini Toons. I named him Gloomy.

Spent money until tinggal 10 bucks left.. See how much of a spender i am?

I shall post some photos for the very first time later after Una sends them to me via her camera.. That'll be all for now. Toodles!!

May Elle Rosette

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