Tuesday, June 9, 2009

For the first time, there's no title!

Hello, hello! So sorry for the lack of updates! Mommy took away the charger for the laptop so couldn't use it. I don't charge the batt.

May still wants a sugar glider.. and i want one, pronto!!!

Cute, right? For my readers who don't know and are wondering WTH is this sugar glider I'm so giler about, the look like this. They're from Australia and i think it's illegal to keep them here. But who cares?

Doesn't the cuteness of it melt you like chocolate?

They're better than hamsters..and they fly.. They don't bite either unless you kacau them teruk teruk, so.... advice, don't kacau sugar gliders! Especially when they're sleeping.

And Jeremy asked me to open a petting zoo! WTH man?! I can't keep chocobos! They don't even exist! You've been playing too much Final Fantasy and Square Enix games! Cut down on it! Chocobos are not found anywhere on earth so if you wanna keep one, i suggest you draw one and cut it.. you have your own unmovable chocobos.

But Chocobos are cute too! Nothing beats the sugar bear! *sticks out tongue*

Sugar bear sugar bear sugar bear sugar bear.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTE SUGAR BEARS!!!! *drools at own pictures*

btw, Una? what happened to th pics you said you'll post? Sorry i can't make it for the sleepover tomorrow. Sorry!! Maybe during the hols after SPM la, k?

Today is Athirah's birthday! Happy Birthday to you!

I would buy you a birthday cupcake but i have no money so this pic is dedicate to you!

May is bored.

May Elle Rosette

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